Stop Sybase ASE – Linux

If you want to shutdown backup server also, make sure too shut it down first, as you will not be able to login to isql if you shutdown main server first.

Login to isql to shudown the ASE database and issue command “shutdown”


Then you can shutdown the ASE database instance.


You can opt to kill the processes (For example: If you dont have password to login to isql). But this is not the most safer way. Please use this option only if you are not able to login to isql.


Dont use -9 option. This might not allow uncommited DB transactions to rool back in a proper way.


Starting Sybase ASE Database (Linux)

Make sure you are logged in with user syb<sid>.

From the environment variables find you Sybase ASE install Directory:


Travesrse to the install path:

change dir

Here you see the configuration files (Runserver) RUN_<SID> (Database server) and RUN_<SID>_BS (Backup server).

Use command startserver to start each server process.

You can either start them individually or together.

  • -f runserverfile – specifies the relative path name of a runserver file, which is used as a reference each time you start an SAP ASE server or Backup Server. By default, the runserver file is in the current directory and is named RUN_servername. If you start a second SAP ASE server on the same machine, startserver creates a new runserver file named RUN_servername.
  • -m – starts an SAP ASE server in single-user mode, allowing only one system administrator to log in, and turns the allow updates to system tables configuration parameter on. Use this mode to restore the master database. The system administrator can use thedbo use only parameter of sp_dboption for system administration activities that require more than one process, such as bulk copying or using the data dictionary. startserver normally starts up only one server per node.The -m parameter creates an m_RUNSERVER file and overwrites any existing m_RUNSERVER file.


After both the processes are started the control is not returned back until you hit a key.

end of start

Now you can check the status of server using command showserver.



2570084 – How to start Backup Server manually – SAP ASE

2307016 – How to manually configure and start ASE Cockpit for an existing ASE server – ASE 16.0 SP02 PL02

2581558 – Starting SAP ASE Backup Server as windows service reporting error “The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”support-grace , support grace, Application version, License version, lic, Sysam, grace period, ASEServer, SAPASE, .lic, FLEXnet Licensing error, key, old license file, datestamp, support renewal date, sybase license , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

R3trans and hdbuserstore

When you change the password of connecting user of SAP HANA database, same should be updated in the key file of the HDBUSERSTORE on the Application Server.

You should be logged in with <SIDADM> for this procedure.  Take care of this specially if you application server and database are running on same server.

#> hdbuserstore SET DEFAULT <hostname>:3<instance Number>15 <user> <password>

Note: User option -i along with the command if you want to enter the options (mainly password) interactively.


hdbuserstore SET DEFAULT hanahost:30015 SYSTEM Hana@123

Once updated check the list using the below command.

#> hdbuserstore list

DATA FILE : /home/appadm/.hdb/hanahost/SSFS_HDB.DAT
KEY FILE : /home/appadm/.hdb/hanahost/SSFS_HDB.KEY


You can now check the connectivity with the DATABASE using R3trans -d.

If R3trans -d reports error, check the connectivity with hdbsql using the key created above.

#> hdbsql -U <KEY>      #Key is “DEFAULT” in our example.

This should connect to the database without any issues.

You might receive error sql code  rcSQL = -10709 in case of connectivity issues. Please check the host name and port again in case of issues.

In case of any issues/questions please leave a comment below. Happy learning.


Important Notes:

2250144 – FAQ: SAP HANA Secure User Store

2563762 – hdbuserstore still using old hostname after updating

2399996 – How-To: Configuring automatic SAP HANA Cleanup with SAP HANACleaner

2653777 – Phyton connection to HANA database using hdbuserstore-key fails

2416706 – Check file permissions for SAP HANA client hdbuserstore on application server

2130496 – Application does not start after takeover-HANA Disaster Recovery


2709350 – How To set a HANA System License via HDBSQL



SAP Router Certificate Refresh

Procedure to refresh your expired SAP Router certificate with new one. I have included some screenshots for better understanding.

Check the validity of your router using below command:

sapgenpse get_my_name


Usually the validity of certificate is only for one year.

A. Login to SAP Market Place to get the distinguished name of your router server:


Before executing the next steps, make sure that you have taken the backup of complete SAPROUTER folder (Or which ever directory containing your SAP Router). Delete the following files local.pse, srcert, certreq and cred_v2 from SAPROUTER folder.

B. Generate the certificate Request with the command:

sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq -p local.pse “<Distinguished Name>”

sapgenpse get_pse -v -r “E:\usr\sap\saprouter\certreq” -p local.pse “CN=myserver, OU=0000123456, O=saprouter, O=SAP, C=DE”
Got absolute PSE path “E:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse”.
Please enter PSE PIN/Passphrase: ****
Please reenter PSE PIN/Passphrase: ****

!!! WARNING: For security reasons it is recommended to use a PIN/passphrase
!!! WARNING: which is at least 8 characters long and contains characters in
!!! WARNING: upper and lower case, numbers and non-alphanumeric symbols.

Supplied distinguished name: “CN=Myserver, OU=0000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE”
Creating PSE with format v2 (default)
certificate creation… ok
PSE update… ok
PKRoot… ok
Generating certificate request… ok.
Certificate Request
Signed Part
Subject :CN=Myserver, OU=0000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE”
Key type :rsaEncryption 
Key size :2048
Signature algorithm :sha256WithRsaEncryption 
Signature (size=”2048″) :<Not displayed>

You will be asked to enter the pin twice. Do make a note of the pin as you will be using it later.

C. Create SAP Router Certificate:

On SAP Marketpace, select the certificate you want to generate the request for and continue:


Copy and paste the content of file “certreq” on the next screen (From begin to end and no space included)


Now your SAP Router certificate is ready. Copy the certificate from “Begin certificate” to “End Certificate” and paste the content to file named “srcert”, which must be created in the same directory as the sapgenpse executable.

D. Install the SAP router certificate

Install the certificate using the below command,

sapgenpse import_own_cert -c srcert -p local.pse

example output:

Please enter PIN:
CA-Response successfully imported into PSE “D:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse”

E. Create credentials for SAP router 

Execute below command to generate credentials for SAP Router.

sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O <user_for _saprouter>

Example output:

running seclogin with USER=”routadm”
Please enter PIN:
Added SSO-credentials (#0) for PSE “E:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse”
“CN=myserver, OU=0000123456, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE”

Note: The account of the saprouter user should always be entered in full <domainname>\<username>. If you do not enter a user here, credentials will be generated for currently logged in user.

This will create a file called “cred_v2” in the same directory as “local.pse”

F. Check the certificate.

Execute below command to check the new validity of the certificate:

sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer
The name of the Issuer should be:
CN=SAProuter CA, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE

And below command to check the validity:

sapgenpse get_my_name

Sample output:

SSO for USER “routadm”
with PSE file “E:\usr\sap\saprouter\local.pse”

Subject : CN=myserver, OU=000012345, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP, C=DE
Issuer : CN=SAProuter CA, OU=SAProuter, O=SAP Trust Community II, C=DE
KeyInfo : RSA, 2048-bit
Validity – NotBefore: Fri Mar 010 17:22:45 2017
NotAfter: Thu Mar 08 17:22:45 2018